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  Contract Planting

Cheerakuzhy prides itself on providing exciting new schemes and services into the field of rubber plantation. Contract Planting is our main focus. We charge on a per plant basis specific to each job. This way the client is given a fixed price before we start alleviating those hidden costs which would sometimes manifest at the end of a job ie: underestimating or unreliable labour. Check our schemes and services page for more information and please feel free to contact us about anything you require that we may not already offer. We also offer other services which you may find valuable for your next project, one being Gardening. We tackle those tasks which would otherwise be a hassle and usually takes up a lot of your precious time. We know that time is money and we also know that the main reason for your projects not running smoothly or on time is the lack of reliable and skilled labours.

We are trained in what they do, this way we get the job done right the first time, every time! Cheerakuzhy has the potential to become an integral part of your project, because we provide service in a project where 'Service' is a thing of the past. Contactable 24/7 we are always willing help in any way possible.

Contract tree plantings are available to assist landowners with large (1,000+) stem plantings either for personal need or to meet contract requirements.

Cheerakuzhy can assist you by:

  1. - meeting with you to determine your goal
  2. - meeting with you to determine site needs
  3. - determining the appropriate variety and quantity of plants
  4. - booking/ordering the plants desired
  5. - coordinating planting with the Rubber Board

Farm development and Land development:

We have been prominent name and having an extensive expertise of developing farm lands extensively on a large scale.

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  • More than one decades of dedicated service; successful implementation of young budding technique; increasing support and participation from the people have made the Cheerakuzhy, a name synonymous with Rubber.
  • Selection of seeds
  • Adopting better methods for germination
  • Facilitating glass house & green house for initial growth
  • Selection of vigor & healthy plants for budding
  • Based on our experience, the most covetous achievement of Young Budded rubber plants is that they become ready for tapping in 5 years as compared to the seven or more of Brown Budded rubber plants.
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